Who: Olli

Olli Savolainen

Your company and presence calls me to the heart and it feels important and valuable, beautiful and innocent. I really just became aware of you being a person with whom I can really be open and sensitive. You have a capacity to give just by being, an innocense.

-female, 26v.

See also: What happens in a session?

I have made the most essential focus of my life that which is the truest in a person. What practically moves life forward and is inspiring? The two most important tools for this are emotional presence and body awareness. It is possible to increase your capacity to be with these.

Many find it easy to trust that they can be exactly who they truly are with me.

With you, I felt the safest connection I’ve ever experienced with anyone. That I could bring up anything, and it was always okay. And it’s truly amazing that I can trust that.

There’s no need to worry in advance; whatever comes up can simply be lived through. I was able to express myself, and you didn’t flinch.

-female, 37 years

As a coach, my special gift is to support and reflect the emergence of freedom, strength, joy, and creativity, especially for those who perceive themselves as sensitive.

On my journey into humanity, including through work and trainings, I have discovered deeper aspects of the human body and experience. I have become more and more open to appreciating the richness and intensity of ordinary life. Like anyone, I can only guide you to the valleys and mountains I’ve walked myself.

Your presence and company invite the heart, and that feels important and valuable, beautiful and innocent. I recently realized that you are truly the kind of person with whom I can be open and vulnerable. Just being, with innocence.

-female, 26 years

Along my journey, I have also seen a lot of the darker sides of humanity and have worked with my own shadows. That’s why I can also sensitively hear another person’s pain and challenges and give them space to be accepted.

The most common feedback I receive from coaching is the experience of safety in freely exploring any aspect of humanity in my presence.

What happens in a session?

You communicate from a place that is authentic, yet also vulnerable, clearly and truthfully.

-female, 37 years

What I want is more flexibility and ease that such an encounter brings. And I want more of this. At the same time, I fear inviting more of it and giving real space for it to grow. Still, I find it incredibly calming. It really helps me… it really helps relax my body.

-male, 50 years

There is Openness here. There is space to see each moment as new. It’s not just that it was one way, and now it’s another. I needed that.

-female, 36 years

Work and Volunteer Experience

I have about twenty years of learning about the workings of the human mind from different perspectives.

I have worked in various positions throughout my life. I’ve explored humanity both at university through cognitive psychology and social psychology studies, as well as in the so-called spiritual growth field. My coaching framework is closer to the thinking of humanistic psychology.

I have also worked as an entrepreneur and led the commercial development of consumer products. I have taught at a university of applied sciences and, in addition to running training sessions, have led various self-awareness circles and guided people in the workplace. I have experienced both what power is and what immense sensitivity is.

Facilitator of Present Growth, 2020-

Men’s Circle Leader, 2019-2020 (volunteer)

Service Consultant, 2018-2019

Digital Design Blogger, up to 100,000 readers, 2016

Teacher, Metropolia, 2013-2016

Entrepreneur, internationally successful electronic B2B product 2011-2018, globally successful consumer product 2019-

Lectures, 2010-2012, University of Tampere

Product Designer, electronic product used by millions worldwide, 2008-2011

Service Designer, widely successful electronic service in Finnish higher education, University of Tampere, 2007

Support Line Volunteer, Setlementti Naapuri, 2007 (volunteer)

Support Group Leader, 2004-2005

Spiritual Circle Leader, 2003 (volunteer)

Electrician’s Assistant, 1999


KASVU Professional Growth Coaching Training, 2021-2022;
e.g. body-based therapeutic breathing exercises, gestalt chair exercises, reflection, resourcing in coaching situations, coaching ethics, shadow work, working with different parts of the personality, humanistic psychology, object relations, developmental theories, and recognizing and supporting internal resources, coaching for self-realization, coaching ethics

The Human Path Growth Program, 2016-2018, and KASVU retreats for deepening and maintaining presence, 2019-2021

Holistic Present Movement: Yoga Teacher Trainee, Kehto School, 2020-

The ART of Being Human, Level 1 (authentic relating/circling/surrendered leadership), 2020

Sufi Self-Knowledge Work under the Guidance of a Naqshbandi Line Teacher, 2019-2022

Learning Facilitator (“Teacher Qualification”), AOKK/JAMK, 2019; e.g. phenomenon-based learning, the process of constructivist learning: understanding, action, reflection

Support Line Training, Setlementti Naapuri

Studies in Psychology, as well as studies in social work (1 year), education, social psychology, and philosophy (Human-Centered Design / HCI, University of Tampere, Master of Arts)

Training in Spiritual Support, KRS